When you are playing the game of tennis you are susceptible to many injuries like tearing ligaments, tearing tendons, pulling ligaments, pulling tendons, anything can happen when you are playing the game of tennis. You can be running and then pull your calf muscle and then it is over. After you hurt yourself playing tennis it will be even harder to get back in shape to where you can play the sport hard like you did before. If you are a person that can get in shape quick then you should already be flexible and shouldn’t have gotten an injury. So when you are playing tennis you will want to be careful as you are running across court for the ball.
When you are playing tennis one of the most common injuries is an injury to the elbow. When you get this kind of injury you are almost hurting your elbow itself because you are hurting the ligaments and the tendons that are so close to it that it just feels like you messed up your elbow but its really not. Like I said before the elbow injury is the most common injury that you can get when playing the game of tennis. You can also hurt many other things while playing like your legs your arms and your back. You can hurt your back very easy by be stationary and swinging too hard. You can hurt your back very bad doing that while trying to play tennis.
The other highly common injury that will occur when you are playing the game of tennis will be tendinitis. You can get this from playing tennis to much and by the way you play the sport. You will get this injury around the shoulders, wrists, and neck when you are playing this sport. Tendinitis is kind of like having weak bones because you cannot use them as much as you could before you got the injury. This can put you out of tennis for a long time if you get hurt.
The other kind of injury that you can get while playing the game of tennis is hurting your knees. You can hurt your knees in any sport but tennis is a sport where you can hurt your knees very easy. You are always running when you are playing tennis so you are going to fall sometimes by tripping over your feet or your partner if you are playing teams. So when you are playing tennis you will want to be careful where you run and how you run so that you don’t mess up or tear your ACL of your knee because that will put you out of playing tennis for a long time if not forever.
The thing that you need to keep in mind the most is that when you play tennis and you get hurt those injuries will rack up and you will start to ache from playing so much and getting hurt so much. So that is why it is important that you not get hurt so much and you play good tennis.