Spin a Racket – Toss a Coin Raising Tennis Juniors: What Tennis Can Really Teach Our Kids

While they’re making a RACKET having fun, they’re developing lifelong skills that carry off the court: problem solving, being aware, being prepared, having follow-through and consistency. Like all organized sports, tennis teaches commitment, responsibility, respect, and discipline. While it’s true to become a pro you probably have to start young, this doesn’t mean as a child you have to train as a professional.

Kids tennis should be about having fun, being active, making friends, and enjoying a healthy lifestyle. And same goes for you, if you’re a tennis player, you’re never too old to enjoy playing tennis, and having fun will keep you in the game for longer. Who better to play with than your children! Many times parents want their kids to become great at tennis more than the kids do, so be sure your child’s willingness and happiness in participation isn’t compromised by undue pressure or anxiety, I’m talking more than the average match day jitters.

Whether your Junior is on his way to becoming a pro or you’re considering enrolling your child in lessons, offered here are some profound metaphors tennis can teach us about the game of Life:

Lesson ONE: Serve up Self-Care

Match day can put tremendous stress on the relationship between a parent and child. Your child is stressed, as maybe are you. You have different ways of expressing stress and also different ways of coping. Encouraging your children to relax, breathe and center on their own while providing healthy, balanced meals, and maybe some relaxing music can help manage nerves before they get the best of you. Maybe arrive on court early to stretch and get comfortable or whatever works best for your child.

Metaphor for Life: Be Ready to Play

Breathe, center, and take care of yourself. Be aware of your body, your surroundings, your opponents, and remember it’s not just “before serving being sure the receiver is ready to play” but making sure for yourself you are “ready to play” and you are “standing in position”. We all can agree feeling grounded, prepared, relaxed; and even playful improves the outcomes in most of life’s circumstances.

Lesson TWO: It’s All About the Love

In Tennis Zero Points Equals Love.

Metaphor for Life: LOVE.

In what other competitive sport will we express nearly unconsciously that we play for the Love of the game; we will not lose Love for Self or our opponent, whether we win or lose. Obviously when our heart is in it, we all strive and want to win; our kids want to win. We encourage them and support them, but no matter the outcome, keeping the Love at the forefront, remember always to encourage and congratulate your child and their opponent, and even their parents for a great match. Because it’s an individual sport, remember that when you lose in tennis it feels like it’s only your fault and that hurts. Offer to talk about losing or allow your child time to express how he or she is feeling. It’s just One Match. And after all, it’s all about the Love.

These Lessons and Metaphors remind us to give our kids the tools to succeed in life. If they succeed in tennis also, great! If not, it’s not about simply how to hit the ball, but how to play the game!

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