Games For Xbox 360 – Which Are the Best?

Today, the Xbox 360 is considered as one of the best selling gaming console modules available in the market as of today. It has sold more than 20 million copies in various parts of the United States, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and other parts of the globe as of today. Since its introduction into the market by the prestigious company Microsoft last 2005 it has been one of the most sought out gaming consoles by newbie gamers and experienced gamers alike. Truly, this Xbox 360 is another one of the marvelous innovations introduced by Microsoft as of today.

There are so many Games for Xbox 360 to choose from. In fact there are hundreds or even thousands of titles ranging from the classics like Pacman and Tetris to the modern titles like Metal Gear. The numbers of these Games for Xbox 360 continue to rise even more, since there are monthly releases of more interesting and fun games for gamers of all ages to enjoy. This just shows that the Xbox 360 is a force to be reckoned with as regards gaming per se.

Which are the best among these Games for Xbox 360 anyway? This is a question asked by numerous individuals all over the world, gamers and non-gamers alike. Some of the best games are the Pacman Championship, Tetris Classic, Indiana Jones – Original Adventures, Kung Fu Panda, Halo 3, Fable II, Feeding Frenzy, Luxor 2 and Sega Superstar Tennis. These games are listed in the top 10 best selling games for the Xbox 360 in the last couple of years.

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