Now that the FIFA World Cup 2010 is over with its last stunning result on Sunday 11th July, the lights in Johannesburg have been turned off as the party moved to Spain. Great return home for the Spanish, Team who has won its first World Cup in 80 years of history.
Spain has not only won this prestigious trophy, which was handed over by Cannavaro, the Captain of the Italian team who won in 2006, but two years before in 2008 also got the European Title.
There are only three teams who made this kind of exploit: Germany in 1972 the Europeans and in 1974 the World Cup, France in 1998 and 2000 and now Spain 2008 and 2010. It took them 80 years, but they are Overall Champions now.
Someone might say, that they lost their first game to Switzerland, not even one of the strongest teams. Or they only scored 8 goals as most of their matches were won by 1:0. No matter what people might say or think, the fact is that Spain won the World Title.
They have been doing real hard work in the last years with their trainer Bosque in order to get ready for this outstanding moment. They have built it like a house stone after stone.
Of course Spain has also a tradition in the Champions league with their strong clubs such as Barcelona and Real Madrid, they have a challenging National Championship. The same may be said about Italy, the UK or Germany, but only Spain made it to the first place.
What is the difference? A team, that has been glued together in the years prior to the FIFA 2010 World Cup, thank to their trainer Bosque, who continued the hard work with them also during the 50 days in South Africa, leading them with great charisma until the last game.
The most outstanding feature of this team is the consistency until the end and the will to win, which led them in every moment, no matter who they had to face.