I can just imagine the scene. Tired from a long day of work, a California Street Sweeper sits down to his evening meal and says, “Honey, you won’t believe what’s making my job a living Hell.” His shoulders slump at the mere thought of the varmints behind his bad day…
Several weeks later, residents of the lively rural neighborhoods begin receiving certified letters, and then notes taped to their portable outdoor basketball hoops! What could this be? Notices from the City. That’s right. They said 10 days to Two weeks to move them or they will be slapped with fines up to $750 a day. Apparently, it’s against municipal code to have a basketball hoop that is blocking the right-of-way! Who would have thought?
This story ends on a happy note, with everyone taking their hoops back up to their house and the Street Sweepers cheerfully driving down unimpeded roads. But it got me to thinking; what are some common mistakes owners of portable basketball hoops make? Is there a set of basketball hoops rules of etiquette that one should abide by in order to keep the peace in their neighborhood? I comprised a small list of what I personally think are great guidelines for the residential court. Now, these are just my guidelines, so you can follow them or just enjoy their folly.
Rule #1: Leaving your Portable Hoop in the middle of the street all night can cause a traffic jam in the morning.
We all love a quick game thrown together with neighbors, family and friends. There’s no better Neighborhood Watch than active families who know each other well! But, when it comes to the outdoor hoop, even those who participated in the game the night before may have a few choice words should they run into the errant hoop when running late to the office.
Rule #2: Beware the Neighbors Car.
Although it is a great idea to bring your hoops up at the end of a major game, it’s important to take care not to let it get too close to your neighbors yard, or car. I have heard stories of portable hoops with unfilled bases being blown over by winds during the night, and landing right on the neighbor’s car. NOT a good thing to wake up to!
Rule #3: The Sidewalk is for Walking
Yes, back to that old right-of-way issue. While it is good that your basketball hoop is not in the street, the sidewalk is still within public domain and should not be the place where a hoop is left. Otherwise, passersby may find it difficult to get by while taking their dogs for an evening stroll. Dogs and poles don’t mix well; the dog will always try passing on the opposite side of the pole than the owner, causing frustration for both.
Remembering these few rules will lend to a lifelong love of your outdoor basketball hoop not only by you, but by your neighbors and city as well! Since almost all portable hoops come with wheels for easy relocation, your job is simply to remember after the fun of the game is over, to find the best out of the way spot to store your hoop before heading in for that tall glass of water.